Anne Camille Hubrecht
Fan of the brush since early childhood, Anne-Camille Hubrecht today is painter in Paris. She signs her paintings "An'K" which is somehow its brand, its claw, already affixed on her younger school drawings.
Working primarily on the female subject, An'K recently proposed a series on the theme of the look and expression ( portraits and self-portraits / Materials Art Gallery - Paris 3e). On the lookout for any interpretation from a glance, Anne-Camille grabs sometimes the viewer in intrusive way in order to generate an emotion, a question, a state, a mood ( each found there ): friendship , love, wounds, illusions, but also anger, dreams, doubts, joys...
As errors, fear, euphoria, fantasy or even the passion... The Human after all, endowed with paradoxes many faces.
Brushes, sponges, and knives are endeavoring to deliver all the outlets of the artist. The choice of acrylic is also used his impatience that fast in execution, symbolizes a moment that freezes the palpable and stealth both making. A frame, a moment caught in time.
Today An'K present a more sensual series on the occasion of this exhibition at the Galerie Concorde. Bodies mingle but the woman is still the central issue, intrinsic. His work exudes strength and movement through the beings both raw and sensitive emerging from the interplay of contrasts, colors intermingled and abstract material which bathes in places. They are thus variations around the time the woman succumbs to the pleasure that we reveal here Anne-Camille.
Works of art in position