Baron Von Lind
Jerry Von Lind was born on October 31st, 1937 to Duluth, Minnesota. It is in this city where its first works were published in miscellaneous art magazine and where he began to be made a name in the Glamour Art. Great friend of the famous illustrator Gilette Elvgren, this one became his mentor when both published their Pin up in the 50's and 60's for Browne and Bigelow publisher of calendar. This is that way that Elvgren passed on to him its style, that he never stop to perfect over time. After the death of Gilette Elvgren, Baron Von Lind pursued alone the image production of Pin up. But he is also a renowned portrait painter and has among others executed the portrait of Reagan at the house Blanche.
Its talent was quickly put in the service of Paramount to paint the portraits of numerous stars: Sophia Loren, Peter O' Toole, Clint Eastwood, Elizabeth Taylor etc. … Today its work is present in the biggest auctions, as well in US as in Europe.
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