Bruno Guillaume
I'm paintera nd illustrator, autodidact. More than a job, painting and drawing are my passion, a breath, I eexerce with infinite pleasure. I love as my inspiration the subject, my image of the final result, work by several techniques. Oil, pastel, charcoal, sepia, sanguine, graphite, black stone, mixed. Variety of media: canvas, paper, cardboard, canvas and ceramics. My favorite subject has always been the Human Being. The body is in itself a world apart. I like to represent in its simplicity, its nudity, its truth. I like to dive into my imagination while remaining attentive to the world around me. To make a picture, I want the soul. To make a copy of Master, I time travel. To create a table, I open up to the outside world. To imagine a work, I immerse myself in me. I try to express a story that combines aesthetics and emotions. Figurative to the verge of hyperrealism, I enjoy staging models unknown or famous. Cinema and literature are an inspiration. They allow you to open the door of the past, present and future. Each work is a constant search for light. I deal with the same topics that delicate gemstone. Some tables are full of fantastic realism marked by the influence of painters like Frazetta, Casaro, Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Renoir, Rockwell Norma, Ivan Aïvaski Gerard Di Maccio and others. My goal is to continue the exploration of the body and the Imaginary by mingling as possible. For me, these two issues are inseparable and complementary. The body is the visible part of every individual and the imagination, the unconscious, hidden. Whether it's a personal work, a command, I always try to have a final unity in diversity of my work, a unity in diversity. Try always to transcend reality to better sublimate.
Exhibitions :
Académie Arts-Sciences-Lettres Paris, Académia Internazzionale Gréci Marino Italie, Association Mérite et Dévouement Français Paris, Atelier du Fournas “Pablo Picasso”, Vallauris, Association Charles Bassompierre Peintres du Spectacle Paris, Association Kokusaï Bïjustu Shingikaï Japon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon, Académie Européenne des Arts, Paris, Salon du Nu Art Today Paris, Espace Culturel E. Leclerc Bar le Duc, Palais des Congrès Nice, Salon International Arts Plastiques Béziers, Espace Arts Graphiques Art 2000 Lyon, Château des Bouillants Dammarie-les-Lys, Biennale des Arts Plastiques de Marennes, Hôtel des Barons de Lacoste Pezenas, Château de Stanislas Commercy, Udaf Val de Marne, Salon Arts Plastiques de La Rochelle, Hôtel de Ville Limeil-Brevannes, Association Arts Mony Pezenas...
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