Carole Assié
Born in Toulouse in 1977 and studied art in swearing his parents to become art teacher.
My bachelor's degree acquired… I escape… This is my course I always want to be a painter with this interest in the female body as an intoxicating music ... A mystery to solve... At first very wise, the lace, the rustles to please and survive artist's life, a latent hypocrisy, a job made only to have food everyday.
Today I'm sure everyone has a sex life and it is not a shame!
At a time when people consume, burn everything and without any tolerance for others, beautiful contradiction! I finally expressed in a sensual painting, female, woman is presented in its best light, love being what it is bathed in soft light but strong materials for crushing fragile body, which links we never defeated. And every woman can identify in this painting combining materials and finer features the image of a plural wife, hiding a delicate instinct of seduction, desire this incurable disease that we suffer all... All in an intimate atmosphere...
"When I talk about me, I'm talking about you..."Victor Hugo
The interest of the painting and I took some time to accept it, everyone finds its interpretation in relation to his experience...
Works of art in position