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Portrait Christophe Tresmontant

Christophe Tresmontant


Christophe Tresmontant was born on January 7, 1955. He studied painting and architecture in Paris. He graduated in 1982: Architect DPLG. Since then, he has been carrying out his two activities in parallel:
Construction and interior design all over the world, including Paris, Rome, New York, Taipei, Shanghai The master inspector: Franck Lloyd Wright.
Paintings (oils on canvas) in the context of a rational exploration of Existence and a methodical deconstruction of illusions. Numerous exhibitions in Paris, St Maur, London, Berlin, etc.... retrace the progression of this pictorial thought.
The master inspirer: Joachim Patinir (and renaissance painters in general).

Works of art in position

Anima et Animus in a living room
Luna in a bedroom

His gallery :


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