Fabrice Dang
Born within a family passionated by art and mostly by paintings, Fabrice DANG, since his deep childhood, has visited exibitions -including Parisians ones- firstly with the annoyance proper to one's child, then with zest and joy when he became a teenager and an adult. Fabrice DANG has started the semi-professional photography in 2009 thanks to 2 important events : First, his inscription to the photography club of Photofiles of Villennes-Sur-Seine (France), then, thanks to the meeting of a fashion-beauty photographer, and to the one of his muse. His 1st photoshoot with her was for him a true revelation : he was pulled into a parallel world, a mixture between dream and reality. The guiding principle of his photographies is above all emotion, the source of which are the moments spent with his models, who often became his friends thanks to the photoshoot. His works are often inspired by the Art Nouveau, which represents beautiful, sensual, and sometimes melancholic women. His photographical references are Sarah Moon, whom he loves the athmosphere in her photographies, and Tim Walker, of whom he likes his stagings.
Works of art in position