Florence Roussilhe
Art is a vibration. The artist can be crossed by any sorts of more or less transcent vibrations.
Raised in Bordeaux in a musical and artistic environment, I managed at once studies to the national music academy and school of Fine Arts. Then the music teachers' training college of Paris and the School of the Opera of Nice opened me to opera singer's career during which I created stage sets and two lines of jewels sold in " Craftsmen perfumers ", to the fashion designer " Féraud ", to customers of the Hotel Ritz in Paris where I exposed six months. This is when the painting of babies, men and women was totally imperative upon me.
Thanks to various exhibitions in the Paris region and my participation to the group of painters " Courants d’Art " to Saint Maur of Fossés, I was able to evolve, sell, receive orders, exchange.
Thus women have remained my favorite field. This is a purely vital energy that I mark the geography of their lives. Is there life without exoticism, without lyricism, without eroticism? I kept my childhood in Africa on this question the reality of the woman, half queen, half slave ....
I carry all my women.
Works of art in position