Francis Rodrigues De Oliveira
"Beyond the eternal gaze of the man lying on the woman, I live several reflections on the representation that the nude is the epicenter. Neither the message, nor morality but questioning. Jacques Lacan about the painting speaks of a "light trap", a place where the eyes of the viewer, the artist and the image can be questioned. How to paint the desire, the unrepresentable, the invisible? These reflections open the question of desire, desire another, and the reversibility of sight. As it is the figuration of desire, female desire, autoeroticism, beyond representation? The viewer may be desired by the object of his gaze? "
Born February 13, 1973 in Cherbourg.
First student at the Beaux Arts de Caen, he then moved to the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts in Paris in 1996, to follow the lessons in painting and drawing by Pierre Carron (Member of Institute: Academy of Fine -Arts) and James Bloedé. He graduated in 2001, since he performs and reflections on the female nude, its representation and the representation of desire.
He obtained in 1997 the first prize of young designers "Gras Savoye" at the exhibition "Géricault, contemporary points of view."
Works of art in position