François Benveniste
Photographer living in Meudon ( 92 )
I discovered photography with digital technology in 2003 and photography my first female model in early 2004. Refractory in nature to the teachings I am totally self-taught ( except for a period of two hours with Jean Turco ).
Most of my work is in post-production ( digital image editing after shooting ) which is the time for me or I detach myself from any form of truth, report. I just identified during the phase of shoot good light conditions, sets, accessories. Then I let the free hand to expression capabilities of the model by getting them to excel as much as she can.
To my credit, several exhibitions, the publication of two books ( "Glam reporter" and "Maitresses mécaniques" Ragage publishing ), participation in a collective work " Erotica " ( Der Akt in der zeitgenössischen Fotografie ) Art Photo Akt publishing, several publications in the American magazine "Carrie Leigh nude" and many training.
My work revolves around an iconic vision of women and is an initial proposal offered it up to the viewer who will finish the work in adorning its personnel affect. I am opposed to the notion of concept photo and intent. I do not accept the justification of the work by the technical process that allowed its creation and I never explains the birth of a picture or his initial motivations.
Works of art in position