Jean-Pierre Leclercq
I am a traditional painter. All my work is done with pencils, pastels, brushes and some paint. My current approach is an expression in the spirit of realism but often adding elements or romantic symbolist. My first goal is to create positive emotion, starting with mine. I stage foremost human beings with a preference for femininity, often enhanced by nudity.
I was born in 1960 in the former Seine and Oise. If the drawing has always been present in my life, I waited to begin painting in 2003. I am at first a follower of the line before considering the color and it is rather by the light than I envisage it. After a period of self-taught discovery, I followed in 2005 a workshop of plastic arts to Vélizy ( 78 ) then in 2006 a half-year of alive model workshop to the School of Fine Arts of Versailles. Along with the revelation of the human body (especially females) as object and inexhaustible source of art, I discovered dry pastel. In August 2008, I moved from the suburbs of Paris (Versailles) to settle down in the sun of Provence. Since that time, I continue my research on the composition and light, almost always around female figures. Since 2010, I gave up soft pastels to favor the oil painting on canvas or wood panel. Today, you can find my work in private collections in France, the Netherlands, Germany and the United States. In 2012, i was a finalist of the international contest Art Renewal Center show which were submitted over 2,100 works by over 800 artists.
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