JoTG lives and works in Paris.
Photographer of the Picturetank agency from 2006 to 2017, she participated in the creation of the collective "Le Carton" in 2004 and collaborated until 2012 with the launch of the magazine K-hole distributed in various places dedicated to photography as the Jeu de Paume bookshop, Le Bal or the photographic library Le 29.
She has also been involved in the transmission of photography by taking care of students from the Icart-Photo school from 1999 to the end of 2014.
Since 2015 she also works for the Cultural Center La Rue in Mandres les Roses.
Her photographic work is a reflection of an imaginary world where her anxieties, her fears and all she can not explain are concentrated ... Love, passion, melancholy, the fragile beauty of a tormented world . Photographing one's emotions is screaming, fighting and releasing small particles of happiness into oneself. It is above all an egoistic, utopian and illusory search for ataraxia.
JoTG joins Signatures, a photographers' house in 2017.
Works of art in position