Les Chevaliers
In a (hetero)normalized world, a couple is a woman and a man. More recently, in some countries, it has been accepted (until it was legalized) that a couple could be two men or two women. In some circles, especially libertine ones - but not only - two women who kiss each other with desire, with ardor, are a treat in the eyes of some: they are playful, naughty, open-minded. But what about male bisexuality? To what extent is the view of two men who kiss the same?
Aren't two men who only kiss each other often locked in a homosexuality? Is it possible to imagine them desiring each other and at the same time desiring women? Open to a thousand other pleasures, do they lose their virility in the eyes of women? If they desire women so much, shouldn't they limit themselves to being reproductive, dominant or docile males?
Yet how many women have told us that seeing two men in complicity, sensual, was a treat for their eyes? Wouldn't their pleasure also come from this limitless mixture of bodies with two other men? Our desire and our pleasure to share our moments, our intimacy was mixed with a desire (a need?) to claim.
Work of art in position