Martial Lenoir
JMartial Lenoir, fashion photographer and portraitist, was born in 1971, he lives and works in Paris. He acquired his first camera, a RB 67 in October 2001. A graduate of the EFET School (School of Photography and Audiovisual) in 2003, he became assistant photographer at Studio Daguerre in Paris. With his experience with fashion photographers (Nacer Messili, Gérard Harten ...) and still life (Francis Hammond), he won the first test mode for Metropolitan agencies, Elite, Madisson and Success. In 2009, he was awarded at the European Festival of Nude Photography in Arles with his series The lodge rats. In 2011 he won the prize Argentique, Jury Ilford. The same year he exhibited his series The Garçonnes at the European Festival of Nude Photography in Arles at the Chapelle Sainte-Anne.
Few dates :
2013 april ; « Les Reflets Du désordre » galerie edition photo paris 10 eme 2012 Juin; « La Loge Des Rats » 8 gallery Arles, 58 design gallery paris
2011 june ; « Les Garçonnes », The Night of Contemporary Photography Place Saint Sulpice, Paris 6e
2011 may : « Les Garçonnes », European Festival of Nude Photo « Regards sur le corps », Chapelle Sainte Anne, Arles
2010 december : « Les Garçonnes », éd. Ragage exhibition / signed in the presence of Caroline loeb, La Musardine, Paris 11e
Works of art in position