Mike Bentaberry
Born in 1952 in the heart of the Basque country I quickly went to Paris with my parents. After studying fine arts to learn sculpture, and judging that the end result was too long, I devoted myself to studies of photographs. Then becomes the assistant of a great fashion photographer. Very quickly I am interested in the photo charm in parallel because very admiring Helmut Newton with his shots combining photo fashion and photo charm.
Always eager for new encounters after a few years I specialize in event reporting, disco, private club, racing circuit. But the photo of charm, the portrait remains a priority, which joins the sculpture and body molding. Always this desire to capture the emotion and beautify the body, to immortalize this slice of life.
Mike Bentaberry makes body castings on request: bust, back, face, hands. The impression is taken at the artist's studio, by appointment only. One or more prints are made, plaster or cement-stone. When it comes to a work done in cement-stone or plaster, we speak of sculpture because the artist takes the liberty to interpret the molding, even to modify it, to incorporate decorative elements or to interpret a new style by incorporating accessories.
Works of art in position