Patrice Dohollo
Authentic Parisian born in 1951. From 1969, I entered ENSAIT Roubaix, an art school, for a four-year cycle in advertising section. In 1972, after a few months of idleness in Formentera and Ibiza, I was hired as a modeleler for the Bayard Press group and collaborated on almost every magazine from "Pomme d'Api to Okapi for young people to the magazine "Our time for old people".
Unearthed a year later by Jean Quentin Gerard, one of the youngest editors of the time and owner of a large number of youth magazines "Salut les copains et Podium", I will work as a model maker on all his magazines . I will eventually become AD for the Michel Sardou magazine "MS magazine" which will appear a year for lack of enough readers. I will then go back to JQG to create "Private" a competitor of the magazine "Absolute" launched by Claude François. It was while working during this period with the greatest photographers of charm who collaborated with "Lui, Playboy, Newlook, Penthouse..etc) that I had the idea two years later to create my first publishing house to publish beautiful books of nudes sold in bookshops and FNAC.
The next logical step was the publication of numerous photo magazines, charming, cinema, art ....
including the magazine "Généreux" in association with Frédéric Beigbeder and Jean-Christophe Florentin and "Playboy" the French magazine edition with special issues. With another company much later I produced and marketed nearly 200 movies. Since I retired in 2010, I started painting again and charcoal, which I had not touched for more than 40 years, and I propose some to you today.
Works of art in position