Sophie Patry
Auteur et photographe
« Et en ce sentiment de perdre mon propre corps, qui m'emplit d'une angoisse subite, en silence voici qu'à mon flanc je découvre un compagnon... »
Extrait de COMICE
"Unlike what we see in what we could call the visual of things. The body is not coveted here for its real presence nor for the ramifications that unite it to a world and a destiny, as in the case of vanities.
It is his imaginary function that matters. A silhouette escapes, a fierce poetry that must be discovered. The ideal is to slip into the photographs of Sophie PATRY in the trembling light.
To touch with his eyes-statues, without face, mysterious, even to inaccessible animals.
When suddenly, the veiled shadow of a body appears, a threat ... Chimera or reality.
There is no report, no truth, just a great emotion".
Louis Tartarin - 24/10/2015
I work in movement which gives me direct effects to the shooting ... I let myself be guided by my feelings and my emotions. My work is in the image of my perception of the world. Landscapes, portraits and self-portraits that oscillate between dream and reality, giving free rein to everyone's imagination.
I have exhibited in France and abroad (Italy, Switzerland, Ireland, Belgium and Iran). You can find all my career and my next exhibitions on my website.
I am represented by Galerie GD as a permanent artist.
Oeuvres en situation