Umbertha self, self-portraitist, or how to "tell yourself" ...
A complete photo equipment, a list of places more improbable than the others, welcome to a Europe covered with dreams, looking for colorful atmospheres, or blackened by oblivion ...
A graphic and visual universe very personal, forged along the lost roads and years spent furrowing them.
Umbertha proposes to unveil through this portfolio the different facets of her photographic art: discover ephemeral places in shambles, staged in self-portrait in a thousand ways, it is all the poetry of Umbertha which is gathered here, for the eye, or for the collector.
It is with malice, modesty and recoil that his works complement each other, answer each other and charm us.
Discover a whole photographic universe, from Germany to Italy, from Poland to Belgium, sometimes with this central character, sometimes with the only evidence of the place, and its atmosphere, subtlety captured.
The images were exhibited in 2017 at Paris St Sulpice, Salon of Contemporary Photography, and twice at the International Exhibition of Contemporary Art at the Carrousel du Louvre.
Works of art in position