A name ? A first name ? A nickname ? A pseudonym ? The mystery already ...
Who is Vulù? Nomad, swordsman, singer, actor, photographer, painter, squatter ... Resolutely a polymorphic artist and a free man.
He was born on August 16, 1976 in Normandy. Aesthetic parents who initiate him very early to art and culture. Very young, he draws. He is said to be gifted.
He grew up between France, Canada, United States, West Indies and Belgium. Vulù nomad feeds his imagination and learns, according to the varied fortunes of his father, to live as well in opulence as in the greatest simplicity.
Then there is Italy, the country of hearts. The adolescence in Turin. A decisive encounter: a visionary master of arms who becomes more than just a coach but a true master of thought. Vulù sabreur learns discipline, logic, mastery. He is talented, he enters the French team. An international career is emerging. But the talent does not weigh sometimes heavy when come into play more powerful interests: the coach of the France team rejects him, what glory could he draw from a rookie who owes his victories to an Italian coach?
More than a disappointment, a heartbreak: we must find another way. He begins to frequent alternative environments, he is alone in Turin, his life is agitated and dissolute but he learns and discovers, again and again.
He leaves Turin for Grenoble. Studies of international trade, to be put away perhaps ... Then his father entrusts him a unit of production. Vulù entrepreneur is not in his place. The corporate world is too narrow. He feels that his way is elsewhere.
He enters the conservatory of Grenoble, singing class. His voice is serious, bass baritone, he is talented. He performs in Jazz and Classical concerts, tries his hand at the musical. But Vulù singer is not yet ready to write his own lyrics, he is 25 years old, and for him, singing is not enough. We must create and invent.
So it's the theater, Paris, the Florent class. That may be his way: Vulù actor. Some beautiful encounters and a handful of short films after, he is disappointed by this environment, by this lightness, by what he considers mediocrity ... the art of entertaining by taking himself so seriously ...
So he returns to the world of work. From small jobs to galleys, he seeks his way to him, the one that will allow him to express himself but above all to do it freely, without constraint, in complete independence. His destiny, he will not put it in the hands of anyone, it is he who will decide and who will be the only craftsman.
2007, decisive year, a gift from his brother: a camera is nothing but that's all. The way begins to emerge. The photo, yes, but capturing the real does not interest him. He wants to reinvent it, give it his own vision, let his inspiration and imagination recreate it, to give a sublimated image. He discovers that drawing, which he has never ceased to practice, and photography can combine and be his own means of expression. Vulù pictorialist photographer.
Little by little, everything is set up, the free man discovers the artistic squats of Paris. He recognizes himself in this way of life at the margin. It is this life that he chooses, it is the means to reconcile everything. Practice your art and be completely independent, be dependent on no one and live at the pace you choose.
Independence of life and spirit.
"I am useless," he said, "but I try to give a pretty form to my uselessness. "
Oeuvres en situation