Born in 1959, Yxes, graduated from the Ecole Estienne, first worked for over thirty years in advertising. He left one day this pitiless universe excercer the no less cruel art illustrator.
His universe is twofold. On the one hand, as a cartoonist (under another name), he sketched, with sadism, political events, men of power and the facts of society. Various satirical newspapers praising his services. On the other hand, under Yxes name, he stands, with masochism, portraits of domineering women and men fell sour their yoke.
The universe is that it represents exclusively Femdom (female domination) without exemption.
His line is trying to learn from the great masters of the 9th art he reveres: Alex Raymond, Hal Foster, Milton Caniff, unsurpassable holy trinity.
Shamelessly, he published "The Rhenish capitalism" La Musardine in 2013, a political cartoon pornographic SM. Another is being prepared.
Works of art position